How to Master the Art of Motivation
© Maree Stachel-Williamson - nWow! Counselling & CoachingFirst why do people fail to get motivated? Here are 3 common mistakes
Getting hung up and stressed out by details.
You can see how Sarah is doing overwhelm here. Just reading it, you get the idea that soon she’s likely to think “screw it” and just continue as she was, burying her head deep in the sand. The reason why this is a sure path to non-motivation is because it is emotionally draining, confusing and stressful. Nothing much gets achieved when you’re feeling overwhelmed. And of course you can imagine how this same though process could pull the brakes on other things such as cleaning out the garage, looking for a new job or pretty much getting started on anything.
Failure to speak nicely to yourself
On the one hand this is likely to lead to failure because it saps energy rather than boosting it, on the other hand people enter risky territory with these kinds of thoughts because they can be reminded of people they have negative memories with such as, stressed out and incompetent school teachers, abusive family members, friends who judge or ex’s. Because of this connection with the past, the risk is that you end up thinking “I can do whatever the hell I want!” and rebel, forgetting completely that in actual fact you are only rebelling against yourself thus creating dreaded self-sabotage.
Trying to motivate yourself with negative reasons
How to master the art of motivation
Start with a clear goal
Focus on today
Underachieve - Just 5 minutes
Talk to your cheerleaders
Get emotional
What else you can do:
Clear out the cobwebs
Get a mentor
So what are you waiting for?
What do you want?
What’s your first step?
Go for it!
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